About the Austrian father who kept his daughter captive for 24 years and fathered 7 children with her?

emotion without action is irrelevant
About the Austrian father who kept his daughter captive for 24 years and fathered 7 children with her?
I've been told that I'm not "supportive" of my "co-workers"-
McCain unfortunately may be old enough to have a bucket list but I gotta say, I agree with this completely.
Apparently, Joe Scarborough can't take the heat as seen in this clip.
As you might have figured by now, I'm a little bit of a third-wave-post-feminist which basically means I don't think feminism is dead but I wear lipstick and short skirts. (Is that the fourth wave? I've lost count.)
Not that I'm voting for her or anything, but a couple of days ago, I heard a co-worker refer to Hillary as a "multi-headed hydra." Would a man refer to another man using that strange mythic/evoking Medusa/serpentine language?
Also, there's this sense that she's somehow an awful human being for staying in the race so long, that this points up her flaws.
A)Ron Paul is still in the Republican race (which is hysterical!).
Hillary's down 200 delegates or so. Ron is down 1,146.
B) Oh, I don't know, endurance, stamina, strength- these are bad things? In a woman, apparently so.
To quote Jane's Addiction.
And yet.
This still threw me for a loop, especially the list of things he was bringing for his liaison with a FIVE YEAR OLD.
A Dora Explorer doll and petroleum jelly.
Also, that he said, to soothe the oh-so-concerned mother, that he "had done this a lot."
People like this should be castrated.
Or that's the fantasy- but is it enough? Is that hitting them where it hurts? People like this, maybe it's what they want?
What will stop things like this from happening? An end to the internet? School counseling? A big hug?
Since I have no idea what would make a grown man want to rape a FIVE YEAR OLD, I have no ideas on how to stop this. Any thoughts?
Truth be told, I don't really know what they're talking about-