I have no trouble believing in a man who can only woo women in absentia. Pathetic.

emotion without action is irrelevant
See, this is what I do on Sundays. Read the New York Times and blog about it....
So what's interesting about this article about an internet lothario is that I don't believe a word of it. Basically, he says that he seduced all these women online even though he was a geek. And then he gets texted "I love you" and he realizes that he's a big liar and dumps them all. There's something about the generic geeky references that I don't buy- Dungeons and Dragons, Lord of the Rings- and this guy is supposed to be in college now? Wouldn't he be playing Magic Cards and watching Battlestar Gallactica?
I think the persona who wrote the article is not the man himself, that's all I'm saying.
For some reason, I feel like I know this blogger who wrote this article in the NYT. But maybe I just went to high school WITH an Emily Gould. This oversharing Emily Gould is probably 10 years younger than me.
I can't imagine blogging several times a day. I mean, don't these people have JOBS? (Although I guess it was her job. Strange, n'est ce pas?)
I did love her term "the will to blog," tho.
I have a friend of a friend (or an ex-girlfriend of a friend, whatever) who wrote her thesis on "cam-girls," the young women who train their webcams on their entire lives. The ex-girlfriend decided, as part of her research, to do it herself and spend a month with her webcam on, documenting her life. I believe after a week, she turned it off because the instant and grotesque attention freaked her out so completely.
Some people like it (i.e. Madonna, Emily Gould) and some people don't (ex-girlfriend PhD student, me.)
What with the initial chaos of moving and taking control of the new office and cleaning house there, so to speak, I've just gotten around to unpacking my things. I stumbled across an article on the devolution of women on sitcoms. Much as I love the shoes and my hero Samantha on Sex in the City, the women on 21st century television are dependent, man-centric, half-people. Rachel, Monica, Carrie, Charlotte, Roz & Daphne ... the single women on television are all looking for men, all rate their success in life according to whether they've found "the one." What pathetic bullshit. Give me Mary Tyler Moore. She may not have been running the station, but she wasn't continually running to men to validate her existence. Maybe the only independent women left are in the newsroom. No surprise to me ;)
I've been reading all weekend about whether gender helped or hurt Hillary.
I thought this was a balanced view.
George Will, surprisingly enough, wrote a view that was not.
Bringing up Frank Robinson as a example - who was fired from the Cleveland Indians not for being black but just for being...um, not great? is an interesting one. The subsequent manager, Jeff Torberg, actually made the Indians suck more, bring them in at 5th and 6th in the league whereas Robinson had them end 4th in the league all three years. A little more than ten years after being fired by the Indians, Robinson was named Manager of the Year in 1989 for his work bringing the Baltimore Orioles back from the dead.
So perhaps Hillary has some hope for the 2016 general election.
I haven't been able to post recently because I just got this GREAT promotion so it's been a whirlwind! Not only am I reporting but I'm producing, which when you consider that I only got here six months ago is pretty exceptional. My dad didn't raise no losers, as he used to say to me (or yell at me, whatever!) I wasn't allowed to say anything for awhile because there were some internal candidates that they had to let down easy.
But it's been announced so Yay!
Since everyone thinks I don't know how to have fun- how's about this?
The ponies?
And the cat sleeping with the hamster?
And more kittens?
This does calm me down when life gets rough.
I guess this is supposed to be funny but I'm missing the punchline. An entire fake news program joking about a girl being raped. That's hysterical.